Monday, September 29, 2014

Bethell Cousin Reunion

 It is hard to think that it is my generation that is calling the family reunions now. That was something Grandma -- or Mom -- did. I just went and tried to figure out who everyone was. This photo, by the way, is of my mother and her two sisters.  Erma is on the left, Mom (Wilma) in the center, and Myrna on the right.

For the last few years the only time I've seen my immediate cousins -- Jody, Dick, Marion and Marie -- have been at funerals. We laugh and say we have to quit meeting like this. Well, at the last funeral I took the bull by the horns and said, "Ok, let's have a picnic. At my place. When can you make it?"

We had one false start in August. When the day came that everyone was sort of available, it was hotter than the hinges of Hell. No one wanted to be outside. We agreed to wait a month. We were finally able to get together on Sept. 29.

It was fun to see everyone. My brother and one of his boys were there. Marie and Don couldn't make it, but Marion and Beverly, Dick and Donna and some of the next generation of cousins made it. My son Joe (standing in the one group shot) got to meet cousins he didn't know he had. Hm... that sounds familiar.

There was lots to eat, lots to talk about and many stories to share. You know, this was a lot better than meeting at funerals. We need to do this more often.  One cousin remembered that our Moms used to get together in October every year to celebrate their birthdays. Each was an October girl. Myrna, the oldest, is mother of Marion and Marie. Erma, the middle child, is mother of Bill, Dick and Jody. My mom, Wilma, was the baby. Skip and I claim her.  Another cousin said, "Well, this is nearly October. We're carrying on their tradition. Maybe we should do this next year."

I like the sound of that.