And a Porch, Too!
Joe was working so efficiently, I didn't get any photos taken of him building the new porch, but these shots show the cosmetic work. He laid down at least two coats of primer before putting the green deck paint down. That's Joe hard at work painting near the picture window.
One problem the old porch had was its brick supports fell apart. (It was only about 110 years old. I don't know why...) That made the porch unstable. Add rotten boards and you can see why I insisted every one use the back door.
Joe didn't want that to happen with this porch. He used treated landscape timbers seated in concrete to support the deck. It took him a lot of talking to convince me to put two full supports in the center to keep the crossbeam from sagging. I was so against it that he didn't use full sized 4x4s when he built the front part of the steps. He had to come back later and scab in pieces to extend to the crossbeam. Come spring and nicer weather, he will sheath this support with some 1x somethings to make it look pretty.
We will add the porch railing in the spring as well.
Hm... Does this mean folks can start using the front door?
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