Saturday, October 06, 2007

Jonseys Construction

Hire a Husband!

Windows Doors

Roofing Remodeling

General Repairs

No job too small! Leaky faucets,

sticky doors – Call for free estimate.

Jonseys Construction

This is what's Pat's business card looks like. He always gets a chuckle when folks first read "Hire a Husband". But they like it! Almost anyone who sees his card thinks of some nagging problem that needs to be done.

It took a while for his business to get off the ground, but it's going strong now. He also works 4 days a week as maintenance man for the county library system and 1 day a week for the regional system as the rotation van driver, delivering books to member libraries. He has a full calendar. Now you see why we haven't had time to work on the house.

Ah, well, I consider this a lifetime project.

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