Mom kept a copy of a flyer pinned in the back of her favorite cookbook. It was called Your Canning Budget. We used it to anticipate how much to can each year. My biggest problem is figuring out how much to plant to get 110 quarts of food per person. :)
FYI: The photo is a section of the pantry shelves my son built me.
Your Canning Budget
From Modern Guide to Home Canning, National Pressure Cooker Company,
n.d. (1940s)
your work… and then working your plan is essential to carrying out your canning
program. While it is difficult to devise a canning budget that can be followed
exactly, it is important to have at least a rough estimate of your requirements
before you start in on your program.
Working out a canning budget need not become a bookkeeping
task, nor is it necessary to plan in minute detail the meals you are going to
serve for months to come.
What is important is to make a list of the various foods
you want to can during the season. Decide, insofar as possible, whether you are
going to put them up in pints or quarts… basing your decision on the size of your
family, the types of foods and the containers available.
Then calculate the approximate number of times you think
you will serve each type of food in planning nourishing meals for a week.
Multiply this figure by the number of weeks you expect the canned supply to
last, and place the result opposite each food on your list.
As an example, presume that you figure that you use about ½
cup of tomatoes per serving, and there are four in your family. If you usually
serve tomatoes at, say, three meals a week – then your family consumption will
total 2 cups, or 1 pint, per meal amounting to 3 pints or 1 ½ quarts a week.
Figuring 34 weeks out of the year, then you would need approximately 51 quarts
to take care of your requirements. Add an additional 14 quarts for other
cooking purposes, and you can put down 65 quarts of tomatoes in your canning
budget. Follow the same method deciding other needs.
If you have your own garden, working out your canning
budget before you plant is a good idea for it aids in deciding how much to
plant and when to plant certain foods. Of course, you must keep in mind that
you want a supply for use fresh, in addition to your canning needs.
Just as a suggestion, the following canning budget has been
worked out for a family of five.
Spinach and other greens……… 30
Tomatoes………………………… 65
Other vegetables……
…… …… 100
…… ……… 220
Meats……………… … .…… 100
Soups......................… … 25
Total....... .. ................. ......... 540
while arriving at a figure may be easy, it is sometimes difficult to budget the
amount of each type of food needed to fill a pint or quart jar and what the
approximate yield will be when you convert fresh foods into canned foods.
Mom and I estimate that
following this budget, one would need roughly 110 quarts of food per person
canned for the season. We discounted the canned meats and soups because we do
not go in for that kind of canning. These items are frozen, made fresh or
purchased at the grocery store