Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ta Da!!!

The living room floor is done! It seems so much brighter, lighter in the living room now that we don't have that dull, dark, unfinished floor. I can live with this until the plaster is replaced and I get to put down hardwood floors.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another Roadside Attraction

This has nothing to do with the house, but I think it's neat. There is a farmer who lives off Kansas 47, between mileposts 29 and 30 who creates metal sculpture in his spare time. There are at least three dinosaurs in this picture. He says they are "anatomically correct" because his daughter, a palentologist, oversaw their creation.

If you double click on the picture, you will see a larger image. There is a red tyrannosaurus by the tree; a white brontosaurus by the building in the back and smaller ones behind the white deer. I believe they are those small dinosaurs that look like horned toads. Hard to tell when you zip by at 65 mph.

Nearly done

Look how it's coming along! All that is left to stripe is the area where the piano sits. That's been our walking corridor as we laid stripes and let paint dry.

When we were in Lawrence a couple of weeks ago Pat bought me a new rug for the center of the floor. I put it down for the first time last night. Of course, the cats say it works fine. They try to blend with the black parts.

I'll finish the red area today or tomorrow and have the floor complete by Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Half-way There!

We have the room half done! More than half... The squares are fully painted on the west side of the room, the furniture has been moved onto the painted area and the other half has been primed and painted red. I plan to get the stripes laid this weekend.

It's been nearly a month that we've been working on this project in our spare time. I'm ready to have my living room back!!